Saturday, July 13, 2013

Micah's reflections on our African Adventure

What was your favorite experience during the trip?
The up close cheetah experience at Otjitotongwe. I got to pet a cheetah. A cheetah licked me and a cheetah  stole my hat and played with it. 

What was least favorite experience?
Slamming my thumb in the truck door at the rest stop where we had lunch on our way back to Windhoek. 

What was your favorite animal?
The cheetah

                           Photo Credit: Rachael Costello

Which national park safari was your favorite?
Kruger because you could see warthogs and monkeys and baboons in the camp and a hyena on the other side of the fence just outside our tent.

                           Photo Credit: Rachael Costello

How would you rate your African adventure?
10 thumbs up 

What was your favorite foods? 
The chocolate Carmel cake while at Kruger, Christian's spaghetti bolagnais in Etosha, and Fanta orange & magnum classic ice cream bar & the many kit kats I ate for snacks. 

What was your least favorite food?
Malaria medicine 

What was the scariest moment?
I didn't have one.

Who was your favorite tour guide?
Christian our guide in Namibia.

What do you want people to know about your trip?
I had a fun time and felt safe. 

What most surprised you about Africa?
I had to barter in the African markets. 

What characteristic of African culture do you want to incorporate into your life back home?
Being in less of a hurry and being more patient. 

What do you wish was different about the trip?
I wish Mairyn or Paul had come.

What did you miss most about home while away?
Gree And the rest of my family. 

What was most exciting experience? 
The cheetah hunt and live impala kill. 

What did you learn that you didn't know before?
That Zimbabwe is not politically stable. 

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